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Half-Day Sitting (2024)

Upcoming Dates: Sunday June 9, 2024

Time: 9am-12pm PDT (Hybrid)

Led By: Lucy Laoshi



The half-day sitting is an opportunity to settle our mind and body, and develop concentration and awareness. There are four periods of 30-min zazen (sitting meditation) alternating with 10-min kinhin (slow walking meditation) or mindful movements and finishing with a short service with chanting and bowing practice.

The half-day sitting is offered both online and in-person. Our home zendo has limited capacity for in-person participation is located in the Height Ashbury neighborhood in San Francisco. If you have never attended our meditation events before, please contact us and speak with Lucy about your background before signing up. 

Fees: This event is by donation. Suggested amount is $30-50. You are welcome to send your donation via Paypal ( or Venmo (@harmonyzen), or if you wish to offer cash or checks in person, you may bring an envelop and leave it on the altar at our home zendo. 

Registration: Please register below and choose the "online" or "in person" option accordingly. You'll receive additional details about the sitting. The cut-off time for registration is the end of Friday before the sitting on Sunday.

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To carry yourself forward and experience myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come forth and experience themselves is awakening.”

- from "Genjōkōan" by Zen Master Eihei Dogen

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