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Zen Study Group
(Summer 2024)

Trust in Mind (Xin Xin Ming)

Wednesdays 5:30-6:45pm PDT,

July - September 2024

Led by Lucy Laoshi




This summer, our theme of study is "Trust in Mind" ("Xin Xin Ming", 信心銘), a poem by the third Chinese Zen ancestor, Master Sengcan (僧璨). This text holds great significance in the Zen tradition.

The study group is open to those with an ongoing meditation practice who wish to deepen their understanding of Zen. While this is a drop-in group, we encourage you to participate as fully as possible. Please contact us if you are interested in joining.


We meet weekly online and in person on Wednesdays at 5:30-6:45pm PDT.

5:30pm  meditation

6:00pm  study topic introduced by Lucy followed by discussions



The study sessions are offered to encourage your practice. Donations are welcome if you'd like to support our program. Thank you for being part of the circle of giving and receiving.


"To study and at due times practice what one has studied,

is it not a pleasure?

When friends come join us from distant places,

is it not joy?"

- "The Analects", Chapter 1



- 《論語》

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