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Zen Study Group


Spring Study Period: 

Mindful Living Through the Lens of Bodhisattva Precepts

April 10 - June 19, 2024, Wednesdays 5:30-6:45pm PDT

Led by Lucy Laoshi



Join us on a journey through the spring months, a time of rebirth and renewal, as we discover what nurtures and enriches our lives. During this period we will explore mindful living through the lens of Bodhisattva precepts, investigating the intricate interplay between our thoughts, speech, actions, and their impact on both ourselves and the world around us.


During the study period we will meet weekly to meditate together and discuss various topics in parallel with the precepts, including:

  • Cherishing life 

  • Genuine giving and receiving

  • Kind speech and compassionate listening

  • Loving relationships 

  • Healthy nourishments for body and mind


The study group is open to those who has an ongoing meditation practice and would like to understand more deeply about how to integrate mindfulness practice in everyday life. It's also appropriate for those who are considering taking the precepts formally in the future. Reference materials will be given to the participants at the beginning of the study period. 

This is a drop-in group, however you are encouraged to participate as fully as possible in the weekly mindfulness practice/homework and writing reflections on one of the topics we discuss. Sometimes we may invite a member of the community to give a short talk.


The spring study period will be supplemented by half-day sittings and a day-long retreat "The Art of Spring Health" at the Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. 


Study Group Schedule:

We meet weekly online and in person on Wednesdays (4/10 - 6/19) at 5:30-6:45pm PDT.

5:30pm  meditation

6:00pm  study topic introduced by Lucy followed by discussions



The weekly study sessions are offered to encourage your practice. Donations of any amount are welcome if you'd like to support our program. Thank you so much for being part of the circle of giving and receiving.



Please contact us if you are interested in joining the study group. It's okay to join after the study period has started.

"To study and at due times practice what one has studied,

is it not a pleasure?

When friends come join us from distant places,

is it not joy?"

- "The Analects", Chapter 1



- 《論語》

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